6 Things We Learned About Patrick Gaudio From Watching Him Train in Rio

6 Things We Learned About Patrick Gaudio From Watching Him Train in Rio

We got to see Patrick Gaudio in a totally different light thanks to a series of revealing videos straight from Rio de Janeiro.

Jan 29, 2019 by Hywel Teague
6 Things We Learned About Patrick Gaudio From Watching Him Train in Rio

We got to see Patrick Gaudio in a totally different light thanks to a series of revealing videos that showed him training jiu-jitsu, working out, and at home with his family. Here are six things we learned from it.

1. He's a lot more technical than you probably realize 

Gaudio's got a killer guard game that relies a lot on unbalancing his opponents, particularly the single leg X-guard and variations that involve getting under an opponent's hips. Gaudio's known for his physicality, something developed training on the mean mats of GF Team in Rio, but do not sleep on his technique. 

2. Jiu-jitsu runs in the family 

If Patrick needs to get a few extra reps in he simply lays out some mats on his terrace and drills with his wife Karine, who is a purple belt. Far from bringing home work from the "office", Gaudio uses this time when he's too tired or beat up for regular training but still doesn't want to miss a session. 

3. He doesn't lift as much weight as you'd expect– but there's a reason for that 

Training in a spartan-looking gym called Ludus Actius, Gaudio has actually scaled back on the amount of lifting he does. He's been working with his training Diogo for about two and a half years, and they've found a balance with his strength training that still allows him to train hard on the jiu-jitsu mat. They periodize the training so that he lifts heavy further out from a competition and focuses less on strength and more on speed the closer he gets to an event. 

4. He's not a morning person 

Gaudio wakes up around "10 or 11am", has his first training session at 2pm, but finishes late and so prefers to get as much of a lie-in as possible in the mornings. Sleep is an essential recovery tool for athletes, and Gaudio admits that his body does not function is he has to wake up and train early. 

5. He's never been to Disneyland 

Jiu-jitsu is a year-round sport and taking vacations is hard for Gaudio, who always has a competition around the corner. His wife wants to go to Disneyland, and this has led to fights at home between them. Basically, Gaudio only takes a vacation when he's hurt– but he rarely gets hurt. 

6. He's more motivated than ever

The birth of his daughter Valentina has changed everything for Gaudio. "Before I used to think about myself," he says. "Now I think about her future, too." If you thought Gaudio was disciplined and motivated before, he says he's even more motivate to compete now. "I want my daughter to be able to say 'My father is a World champion'."