Gracie Brothers Take Gold At NY Pro

Gracie Brothers Take Gold At NY Pro

The three Gracie brothers Rolles, Igor and Gregor all competed at the New York International Pro yesterday, each taking gold in their respective divisions.

Mar 6, 2016 by Chase Smith
Gracie Brothers Take Gold At NY Pro
The three Gracie brothers Rolles, Igor and Gregor all competed at the New York International Pro yesterday, each taking gold in their respective divisions. 

Gregor had the toughest start to the day with a match against Checkmat's Thiago Sá. The Renzo Gracie team rep displayed some clean technique in out-pointing Sá 4-2, scoring two sweeps to one. He would later defeat Wellington Godoi in the semis and Romulo Azevedo in the final for a first place finish on the podium. 

Igor Gracie, competing in the Masters 1 85kg division, finished both his matches by submission to win gold. 


Rolles Gracie, who returned to gi competition for only the second time in 6 years, steamrollered his division and won the gold medal in the Masters 1 +94kg division


In an interesting turn of events Rolles and Igor met in the final of the Masters 1 absolute division. UAEJJF competitions do not allow closeouts and so the brothers took to the mat for a spirited contest, egged on by youngest brother Gregor Gracie who cheerfully taunted his siblings from the sidelines. Rolles was declared the winner via kneebar. 

All matches will be coming to FloGrappling shortly.